Asia Population (Live)
Growth Rate
150 per Km2
The current population of Asia is 4.7 Billion as of November, 2022, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
Asia population is equivalent to 59.76% of the total world population.
Asia ranks number 1 among regions of the world by population.
The population density in Asia is 150 per Km2 (387 people per mi2).
The median age in Asia is 32.0 years.
The total land area in Asia is 44.58 million km² (11,981,954 sq. miles)
50.9 % of the population is urban in 2022
List of Asian Countries by Population 2022
China is the most populous country in Asia, followed by India. The other five countries with a total number of humans above 100 million are Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, and the Philippines. The top five countries together hold a huge 75% share of the Asia population. The least populous country in Asia is Brunei Darussalam. Four countries/dependent territories in Asia have a population below one million.
Five Asian countries are in the list of the top ten most populous countries globally as it hosts China and India, the world’s top two most populous countries. The other three Asian countries in the top ten are Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Twenty countries are within the top 50 world population ranking.
In 1950 and 2000, Qatar and the Maldives were the least populous country in Asia, resp. Now Brunei Darussalam will remain the least populous country until 2100.
No Data Found
Rank | Name | Population 2022 | Density (km²) |
1 | China | 1,425,887,337 | 146.89 |
2 | India | 1,417,173,173 | 431.07 |
3 | Indonesia | 275,501,339 | 144.65 |
4 | Pakistan | 235,824,862 | 267.40 |
5 | Bangladesh | 171,186,372 | 1160.04 |
6 | Japan | 123,951,692 | 327.98 |
7 | Philippines | 115,559,009 | 337.54 |
8 | Vietnam | 98,186,856 | 296.45 |
9 | Iran | 88,550,570 | 53.73 |
10 | Turkey | 85,341,241 | 108.91 |
11 | Thailand | 71,697,030 | 139.73 |
12 | Myanmar | 54,179,306 | 80.08 |
13 | South Korea | 51,815,810 | 517.07 |
14 | Iraq | 44,496,122 | 101.52 |
15 | Afghanistan | 41,128,771 | 63.06 |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 36,408,820 | 16.94 |
17 | Uzbekistan | 34,627,652 | 77.40 |
18 | Malaysia | 33,938,221 | 102.59 |
19 | Yemen | 33,696,614 | 63.82 |
20 | Nepal | 30,547,580 | 207.55 |
21 | North Korea | 26,069,416 | 216.28 |
22 | Taiwan | 23,893,394 | 660.17 |
23 | Syria | 22,125,249 | 119.48 |
24 | Sri Lanka | 21,832,143 | 332.76 |
25 | Kazakhstan | 19,397,998 | 7.12 |
26 | Cambodia | 16,767,842 | 92.62 |
27 | Jordan | 11,285,869 | 126.32 |
28 | Azerbaijan | 10,358,074 | 119.61 |
29 | Tajikistan | 9,952,787 | 69.55 |
30 | United Arab Emirates | 9,441,129 | 112.93 |
31 | Israel | 9,038,309 | 435.16 |
32 | Laos | 7,529,475 | 31.80 |
33 | Hong Kong | 7,488,865 | 6783.39 |
34 | Kyrgyzstan | 6,630,623 | 33.16 |
35 | Turkmenistan | 6,430,770 | 13.18 |
36 | Singapore | 5,975,689 | 8416.46 |
37 | Lebanon | 5,489,739 | 525.23 |
38 | Palestine | 5,250,072 | 844.06 |
39 | Oman | 4,576,298 | 14.79 |
40 | Kuwait | 4,268,873 | 239.58 |
41 | Georgia | 3,744,385 | 53.72 |
42 | Mongolia | 3,398,366 | 2.17 |
43 | Armenia | 2,780,469 | 93.48 |
44 | Qatar | 2,695,122 | 232.62 |
45 | Bahrain | 1,472,233 | 1924.49 |
46 | Timor-Leste | 1,341,296 | 90.18 |
47 | Bhutan | 782,455 | 20.38 |
48 | Macau | 695,168 | 23172.27 |
49 | Maldives | 523,787 | 1745.96 |
50 | Brunei | 449,002 | 77.88 |
Asia Population 1950-2100
Chart and table of Asia population from 1950 to 2022. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current population of Asia in 2022 is 4.721 Billion a 58.2 Million increase from 2021.
Year | Population | Density (km²) | Growth Rate |
2100 | 4,676,456,734 | 145.90 | -0.43% |
2095 | 4,776,688,772 | 148.63 | -0.41% |
2090 | 4,876,650,545 | 151.74 | -0.39% |
2085 | 4,972,609,283 | 154.73 | -0.36% |
2080 | 5,061,822,739 | 157.50 | -0.30% |
2075 | 5,139,387,729 | 159.92 | -0.25% |
2070 | 5,202,913,059 | 161.89 | -0.19% |
2065 | 5,253,138,255 | 163.45 | -0.13% |
2060 | 5,288,522,634 | 164.56 | -0.06% |
2055 | 5,303,879,675 | 165.03 | 0.05% |
2050 | 5,291,555,785 | 164.65 | 0.17% |
2045 | 5,247,549,760 | 163.28 | 0.28% |
2040 | 5,174,744,007 | 161.02 | 0.38% |
2035 | 5,077,583,432 | 157.99 | 0.48% |
2030 | 4,957,495,637 | 154.26 | 0.59% |
2025 | 4,814,972,549 | 149.82 | 0.00% |
2022 | 4,721,383,274 | 146.91 | 0.62% |
2020 | 4,663,086,535 | 145.10 | 0.90% |
2015 | 4,458,250,182 | 138.72 | 1.10% |
2010 | 4,220,041,327 | 131.31 | 1.18% |
2005 | 3,979,328,878 | 123.82 | 1.27% |
2000 | 3,735,089,604 | 116.22 | 1.41% |
1995 | 3,483,316,579 | 108.39 | 1.64% |
1990 | 3,210,563,577 | 99.90 | 1.99% |
1985 | 2,909,856,245 | 90.54 | 2.00% |
1980 | 2,635,334,228 | 82.00 | 1.93% |
1975 | 2,395,375,841 | 74.53 | 2.23% |
1970 | 2,144,906,290 | 66.74 | 2.44% |
1965 | 1,901,594,560 | 59.17 | 2.28% |
1960 | 1,698,939,448 | 52.86 | 2.09% |
1955 | 1,532,368,690 | 47.68 | 2.14% |
1950 | 1,378,554,420 | 42.89 | 0.00% |
Asia Population Pyramid 2022
Asia Population Growth Rate 1950-2100
The Syrian Arab Republic would have the highest population growth rate of 4.43% in 2021. Syria is the only country in Asia with having growth rate above 3%. Eight countries have a growth rate above 2%. Nine countries are on the list of the world’s top 50 fastest-growing nations.
By 2030, India will have more people than China and will remain the most populous country on the continent until 2100.