Internet Live Stats Internet Users in the world Total number of Websites 1990024076 Google searches (last 24 hours) 9129465456 Facebook active users 3306585761 Emails sent (last 24 hours) 287456765345 Blog posts written (last 24 hours) 8887524 Tweets sent (last 24 hours) 881657456 Videos viewed on YouTube (last 24 hours) 8467567876 Tumblr posts (last 24 hours) 186785756 Photos uploaded on Instagram (last 24 hours) 102816456 Twitter active users 393456142 Google+ active users 1191035567 Skype calls (last 24 hours) 625156876 Pinterest active users 472882678 Websites hacked (last 24 hours) 251567 Newspapers circulated (Last 24 Hours) 460456465 Computers sold (last 24 hours) 662567 Smartphones sold (last 24 hours) 4498567 Tablets sold (last 24 hours) 372251 Sources Internet Users in the worldInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) – United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies and the official source for global ICT statisticsICT Facts and Figures – The world in 2015 – ITUMeasuring the Information Society – ITU MIS Report 2015Internet Users Data – World Bank GroupThe World Factbook: Internet Users – U.S. Central Intelligence AgencyUnited Nations Population Division – U.N. Department of Economic and Social AffairsTotal number of WebsitesNetCraft Web Server Survey – Netcraft Ltd.“Measuring the Growth of the Web.” Matthew Gray, MIT.Robert H Zakon. “Hobbes’ Internet Timeline – the definitive ARPAnet & Internet history.”“How we got from 1 to 162 million websites on the internet.” Pingdom Tech blog. April 4, 2008.Emails sentThe Radicati GroupGoogle searchescomScoreGoogle Inc.Blog posts writtenTechnorati on State of the Blogosphere reports and elaboration of other dataWordPress Stats – Automattic Inc.Tweets sentInternet Live Stats ( Table of contents Internet Users in the world Total number of Websites Emails sent Google searches Blog posts written Tweets sent Categories: Live Statistics